Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Avengers: Opening Weekend Predictions

The John Whedon extravaganza is expected to debut to $170 million+. Opening to staggering $80.5 million on Friday, The Avengers broke opening day records for a superhero film and now stands as the second-biggest opening day of all time. With $80.5 million already, The Avengers is poised to surpass the $169.2 million opening weekend record set by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows--Part 2 last July.

The superhero tentpole is almost surely expected to gross more than The Dark Knight on its opening weekend($158.1 million). However, it doesn't seem fair because The Avengers has 3D premiums to "show off" which places it at an advantage. With a record-breaking opening day of $80.5 million, The Avengers is on track to out-gross Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 over the weekend with a predicted $180.4 million. Although the opening day is considerably less than Harry Potter, a few factors must be taken into consideration: HP8 opened in July and teenagers had no school. For the Avengers, however, its opening in May is a powerful month for superhero films. Moreover, 3D showings accounted for 60% of the Friday's opening, suggesting relatively good interest in 3D in this genre of movies.

Expect a $180.4 million opening debut that will surely dethrone the Harry Potter finale.

The Avengers: Worldwide Forecast (Updated) $400+ million??

After an incredible April with The Hunger Games passing the $360 line mark, May is also going to be a stellar month with The Avengers on the top list. After eight films from the Avengers, five of them are now going to merge to make The Avengers. The ensemble movie is a very good candidate for the billion-dollar club since it encompasses four different series in the Marvel Comic. Iron Man 2 is the highest-grossing Avengers film that amassed about $624 million globally. The merging of four different films should attract fans of all four series, leading to more ticket sales. On Facebook, Iron Man has 8 million likes whereas Thor, Captain America have around 2.6 million fans each. The least of all is the Incredible Hulk with 1.2 million likes. Such a merging should call in many fans and thereby increasing ticket sales. Early reviews are also almost universally positive among critics with a 96% approval rating. Not only are critics pleased by the movie, but also many early watchers are calling it the "best-super hero movie yet." Such positive reviews portend good hold ups after its upcoming debut.

 Disney did a good job focusing on Iron Man and Thor in the trailers, as they are the most popular characters in the Avenger series. Even from now, the Disney superhero extravaganza is generating bigger prerelease interest than The Dark Knight or The Hunger Games both of which opened to more than $150 million. With this trend, The Avengers could score one of the biggest domestic openings of all time for a superhero film. After amassing $80.5 million on its opening day (Friday)—the second biggest opening of all-time—, it currently is on track to open north of $170 million over its opening weekend setting the highest-opening weekend of all-time. Beware; Harry Potter’s biggest-opening weekend is at stake. Expect a North American revenue of $398 million.

 Since the superhero ensemble film is going to be released in 3D, the international revenue should see a note-worthy increase. Iron Man 2 grossed $331 million internationally without 3D. Considering the fact that the international market has grown over the years, an international gross of $450+ million would not be a surprise. Transformers: The Dark of the Moon, also, contains a destructive scene similar to that of The Avengers. Transformers went on to gross $771 million internationally. With this week’s news to wait for, an international forecast of $549 million seems on par with what films in this situation would unfold. Expect the superhero extravaganza to gross north of $900 million worldwide.

 Worldwide Forecast (Box office gross): $947 million

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Avengers: Can it gross more than $1 billion?

Smashing records in many markets and opening #1 in virtually every market, The Avengers has already grossed $218.2 million internationally(including its $185.1 million international debut) and is a good contender to pass the $1 billion mark.   More coverage coming soon