Current estimates by
Sony place The Amazing Spider-Man's Tuesday earnings close to
$35 million, surpassing Transformers’ $27.9 million gross to
become the highest-grossing Tuesday opener. Although a record breaker, The
Amazing Spider-Man did not have much competition in breaking this
record as very few films of the same blockbuster level open on Tuesdays. The
only other notable Tuesday-opener is Micheal Bay's Transformers,
which opened in 2007—adjusting to both inflation and 3D premiums Transformers'
opening will mount to somewhere around $35 million.
From 4,011
locations, Transformers eventually grossed $155.4 million in
its Tuesday to Sunday run. Webb's reboot earned $7.5 million in its midnight showings,
which is slightly less, than Transformers’ $8.8 million ($10.1
million, adjust. to infl.). With this trend, The Amazing
Spider-Man can easily gross $166.1 million. However, the fact that
some critics are panning it for being a derivative of the original Spider-Man
film does not put the new Spider-Man in a better situation. At Flixter, 84% of the audience is fond of the movie, which counters the negative reviews from quite a few critics. Ultimately, the success of the film is contingent on the audience's opinion not that of the critics. Expect $143.0
million for the films six-day debut.
*News suggests that the success of the film has led way to a trilogy so a new Spider-Man franchise is not far away.
*News suggests that the success of the film has led way to a trilogy so a new Spider-Man franchise is not far away.